UK Friends of Standing Together

Sally Abed’s message to Friends of Standing Together (3 June)

Reposted from an email update to members of Friends of Standing Together from Sally Abed, one of the movement’s Palestinian leaders.

I am writing to you today with a message of hope: The Humanitarian Guard we launched a few weeks ago has defeated the settlers. Yesterday, Far-Right extreme settlers announced that they are suspending their activity attacking aid trucks at the Israeli roads and checkpoint. 

For the past two and a half weeks, more than 500 hundred activists and members from the movement have been gathering every morning at the Turquamiyah checkpoint and other junctions around the West Bank to protect the aid convoys that were destined for Gaza, while urging Israeli police officers to do their jobs in keeping extreme settlers away from looting, burning, and attacking the aid convoys. 

The Humanitarian Guard proved that when we organize people in our society, we are able to change our reality. Over 2000 people locally and worldwide donated to this action, and over 900  activists signed up to join the Humanitarian Guard. 


There is always a possibility of settlers coming back to attack the aid trucks, but we won’t let this happen. If they come back, we will ensure that our activists are there to stand guard and protect the aid to ensure that Palestinians in Gaza receive aid and food, and protect the truck drivers from these terroristic acts.

With a new deal on the table, hundreds of activists and members from the movement marched the street this week calling for an immediate ceasefire and a hostage release deal, pressuring the Israeli government to accept Biden’s proposal.

It’s been over 200 days of this devastating war, and the ongoing suffering and loss is affecting us all deeply. We are continuing our efforts to end the war, to stop the killing and destruction, and ensure the safe return of the hostages still held captive in Gaza. Your contribution and continuous support is what keeps our grassroots movement going, and we plan to continue fighting for a better future and a just, sustainable peace for everyone living in this land. To do this, we need your help to expand our work! Make a onetime donation or join our global community by becoming a Friend of Standing Together. 

In solidarity, 
Sally Abed