UK Friends of Standing Together

Invite your MP to our meeting in Parliament

On Monday 28 October, we’ll welcome Standing Together leaders Uri Weltmann and Sondos Saleh to a public meeting in the House of Commons, hosted by our parliamentary patrons Nadia Whittome MP and Alex Sobel MP.

This week, members of UK Friends of Standing Together, and those based in the UK who’ve made one-time or several-time donations to Standing Together, will receive an email directly from Standing Together with a link to register your attendance at the meeting.

In the meantime, we’re encouraging supporters to write to their MPs to invite them to attend as well. A template letter you can use is below, and can also be accessed as a Google Doc here.

Dear [name of MP],

I am a resident of [constituency/area]. I am concerned about the ongoing conflict in Israel-Palestine, with war crimes being committed by both the Israeli government and by Hamas, and about the horrific human cost that this war has exacted, particularly on those in Gaza.

One year after the horrific events of 7 October, and there is no end to the misery in sight. I believe that our politicians could do more to put pressure on the Israeli government as part of efforts to secure a ceasefire and a better future for all Palestinians and Israelis, and to support those on the ground who are working towards that future.

One such group is Standing Together, a grassroots movement of Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel who are working to create change in Israeli society towards opposing the occupation and promoting peace, equality and social justice. In the past months Standing Together has been one of the leading anti-war voices in Israel. Their activists recently achieved attention for using their own bodies to prevent violent settlers from attacking aid convoys bound for Gaza. Standing Together needs and deserves our support. They have been instrumental in the massive protests that have been taking place in Israel to demand a ceasefire and a deal that will bring Israeli hostages home.

I am a supporter of UK Friends of Standing Together. Their goal is to amplify and raise funds for Standing Together’s work in Israel. We believe that co-resistance, meaning shared struggle towards an equal future, between Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel is an irreplaceable element in any democratic transformation in the region.

On Monday 28 October, 6:30pm, in Committee Room 11, UK Friends of Standing Together will welcome Standing Together leaders Sondos Saleh and Uri Weltmann, at a public meeting hosted by our parliamentary patron Nadia Whittome MP, with Alex Sobel MP, also a parliamentary patron of UK Friends of Standing Together, also speaking. More details are available here. 

I would like to invite you to join this meeting to learn about Standing Together’s vision for Israel-Palestine and what needs to be done to make this a reality. I hope that you will join us at this meeting. I look forward to receiving your response.

If you plan on attending, please confirm your attendance with UK Friends of Standing Together via email at, as space in the meeting room is limited.

Kind Regards,
[Your details]