UK Friends of Standing Together

Aid for Gaza

How Standing Together is mobilising to take action against the mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and how you can help.

Phase two of our Gaza aid campaign is on the go! After three weeks of collecting an incredible amount of food and aid, we have moved onto the next step: packaging and preparing the aid to be transported to Gaza. 

Over the past few days, we have mobilized tens of thousands of Palestinians and Jews at our collection centers in Arab-Palestinian towns and cities across Israel. Right now, they are organizing and preparing the aid trucks to head into Gaza. Words cannot express how inspiring it is to see so many people – Palestinian and Jewish – coming together to stand up against endless war and a policy of starvation, and show solidarity with the people of Gaza. 

We are excited to invite you to an online conversation on Saturday September 7th with National Co-Directors Rula Daood and Alon-Lee Green to discuss the campaign and answer any questions you may have. To sign up for the event, click here.

Nearly 11 months into the war, Palestinian communities in Israel are still facing silencing and political persecution for speaking out about the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and against the war. This campaign sends a clear message to our government: we will not be silenced in the face of injustice, we will not allow the collective punishment in Gaza to continue, and their attempts to divide Jews and Palestinians will not succeed. Through Jewish-Palestinian solidarity, the possibility of a better future for both peoples is not just a hope, but an attainable reality. 

Sign up to our event to hear about the importance of this campaign, and the impact it has on Palestinian and Jews who are coming together to fight for a change. 

Due to the massive success of the campaign and the huge amount of aid collected, our costs have skyrocketed – since every truck we ship into Gaza costs a significant amount of money, and we managed to fill 450 trucks! We are urgently raising more funds in order to get all of the aid into Gaza. You can support the campaign from abroad by donating to help cover the costs here.